A Functional Space in Pittsburgh Gets You Organized So You Can Get To What You Love!

Leigh Ann Cutright, Certified Home Organizer® and owner of A Functional Space in Pittsburgh works with busy people and businesses to get them organized so they can get back to what’s important.

We recently interviewed Leigh Ann to learn more about her and what you can expect from a typical organizing session.

What (or who)  inspired you to become an Organizer? 

Marie Kondo! I’m not a born organizer. I had to learn, and Marie’s book was what taught me how to get started.

How has becoming an Organizer impacted your life?

Becoming an organizer has taken my problem solving skills to a level I never could have imagined. My work helps me stay in the mindset of making the best of whatever situation I encounter.

How has your past career or education tied in to becoming an Organizer?

I’ve practiced mindfulness and yoga for 17 years and taught for 14 years. Organizing and yoga are both mindfulness practices that have a real impact on our physical world. They change our bodies and our living environment and also, the way we see ourselves and the world.

Who are your ideal clients (or what is your niche)?

I love working with people who have a passion that’s not organizing. When people already know what’s important to them, it makes the organizing process so much easier, and there’s a wonderful sense of urgency. Let’s get your space set up so that you can get back to making art or starting new businesses or training your agility dogs - whatever it is! 

What drives your clients to hire a professional organizer? 

Time - in two ways. 1. People are busy, and working with me gives you a pro-level accountability buddy. 2. It saves time when you don’t have to re-invent the wheel. I have a whole repertoire of organizing methods to pull from. It’s much quicker to use my experience and skills than to learn everything on your own.

Tell me a little bit about how you approach organizing--or your philosophy.

I am interested in helping people set up their homes (and businesses and studios) in a way that makes it easier to do what they want to do and be who they want to be. While we work in a physical way, I’m always coming back to what they want to do in the space and how they want to feel there.

What sorts of challenges can you help with? What opportunities are individuals likely to miss if they try to complete the organization work themselves?

I can help when people feel overwhelmed. Whatever seems impossible, that’s what I want to help with. Perhaps the space seems impossibly small or the mess impossibly large or even the family member’s ideas for the space seem impossibly conflicted. Bringing in an outside perspective -like mine- can make a world of difference.

I am particularly good with small spaces. My husband and I actually live in 400 sq ft, and I love turning cramped, miserable spaces into functional spaces. When I hear the words, “It’s just so small.” There’s a part of me that always thinks, “Challenge accepted!”

Is there anything you wish your clients knew before contacting you? 

I am impressed by your courage in calling me, and I am not concerned about your clutter. I don’t have an emotional attachment to your clutter. I’m just excited for you and all the possibilities you are opening up now.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.

Recent projects by A Functional Space

Are there any current projects or services that you'd like to highlight?

I’m especially excited about the work I’ve been doing in commercial environments, specifically with local businesses. The principles of organizing remain fundamentally the same whether I’m working in a restaurant, an office, or an artist’s studio. That being said, I think those areas can be more difficult for people to organize without an outside organizer’s perspective. I’ve been particularly pleased by how many people who work with me at their businesses are able to understand the concepts of organizing enough to apply them independently at home.


Organized Interiors, LLC in Richmond, VA use a human-centered approach to create holistic organizing solutions for Home and Business


Organized Jill in Winston-Salem Brings Calmness and Clarity to the Home