Bay Area Professional Organizer Creates Functional Spaces for Your Home or Business

Annie Allen, Certified Home Organizer®, has a passion for helping people and a flair for neatness. Her goal is to bring function, organization and harmony to your home. 


We interviewed Annie to learn more about her and what you can expect from a typical organizing session.

What (or who)  inspired you to become an Organizer?

A couple of years ago I reached a transition point in my life and was looking for "what's next". I happened upon Professional Organizing and instantly knew it was a perfect fit for me because I have always taken the lead on getting things/people/places organized - I can't help myself - and I was also looking for meaningful work where I could help people in some way.  My work as a Professional Organizer gives me the opportunity to lift the burdens of others and have a direct impact on people's lives. It's the perfect job for me - using my natural talents to help others.


How has becoming an Organizer impacted your life?

Witnessing the burden and stress of having too-much-stuff has definitely caused me to take inventory of my own life, habits and belongings; while I would not call myself a minimalist, I am more detached from material things and find freedom in having less. Helping others purge, refresh, downsize and reorganize gives me a steady stream of new ideas and inspiration for my own life. This work challenges me to practice what I preach; I wouldn't suggest something to a client that I would not be willing to do myself.

How has your past career or education tied in to becoming an Organizer?

All of my past careers (administrative support, art therapist, parent, community & educational volunteer) contribute to my work as a Professional Organizer. I have always been drawn to work that is personal, meaningful and involves helping others. In particular, my therapist training was a natural launching pad for my organizing business. 

Who are your ideal clients (or what is your niche)?

I have not identified my niche yet and am currently enjoying a wide variety of clientele!  I have a soft spot for parents and families since I was personally challenged with the transition to motherhood and managing a busy family. I am also very interested in business organizing and the impact our surroundings have on employee morale and customers' first impressions.


What drives your clients to hire a professional organizer? 

Most of my clients are overwhelmed with some part of their home and feel stuck; they truly want change but don't know where or how to start. Often times they are consumed by a busy life and don't have time to get organized or the thought of organizing is exhausting and they need help and accountability to make it happen.


Is there a popular season or off-season for professional organizing in the Bay Area?

I haven't noticed an off or on "season" yet in my area.


Tell me a little bit about how you approach organizing--or your philosophy?

I am a functional organizer which means my approach to organizing is simple, practical and easy-to-maintain. Each client is different so there are no cookie-cutter solutions. The first thing I do for every client is meet them (in person if possible) and listen.  I learn about their current challenges, what is working and what is not working for them; I learn about their habits and needs so I can understand their vision for the space and then I create storage systems that makes sense to them.  My organizing philosophy adheres to a quote by William Morris which states: "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.”  This simple concept is helpful to remember when clients are overwhelmed by too-much-stuff.

Before and After’s of Annie’s recent work.

What sorts of challenges can you help with? What opportunities are individuals likely to miss if they try to complete the organization work themselves?

Two of the biggest challenges clients face when attempting to get organized are time and decisions. Clients often contact me when they are desperate or fed up with being stuck. Clients may say "I've told myself I'm going to get this done for two years..." or "I put it on my calendar but it still doesn't get done" or "I just don't have the time!".  I don't know many people who would love to spend 10-12 hours organizing their garage; it's something that needs to be done, but the task is so big it feels overwhelming and probably boring to most people. An appointment with a Professional Organizer ensures the job will be done.  As a Professional Organizer I provide expertise in design, storage options and product sourcing; I also provide direction, assistance and accountability.

A common mistake clients make when attempting to get organized is viewing items where they are currently stored. Without clearing out the space and taking proper inventory the client is saddled with the same items and unable to imagine a new organizing plan. The result is little to no improvement.  With the guidance of a Professional Organizer, everything is taken out of the space, sorted and categorized so the client can better determine what to keep or discard. The Organizer helps guide the client in making decisions, namely, keeping & storing items according to the intended use of the space and creating a new storage plan.

Is there anything you wish your clients knew before contacting you?

I approach every person & every job with a non-judgmental heart. Many people are embarrassed to have someone see their "mess" and often apologize saying "I'm sure this is the worst you've ever seen!"  Usually it's not. I believe it takes courage to ask for help and invite a stranger into your home to see something you feel embarrassed about. I admire the courage it takes to call for help and I respect each person's privacy. 

I would also like to dispel a few myths about Professional Organizers:

- I won't MAKE you get rid of anything you don't want to

- Organizing sessions will not be like an episode of "The Home Edit" (there's much more that happens "behind the scenes")

- It's okay to interview potential Organizers to find the one that's right for you

Are there any current projects or services that you'd like to highlight?

I have an upcoming client whose husband died last year of cancer. She would like me to help her go through some of his things which she knows will be very difficult but also knows it needs to be done. I am deeply touched by this woman's trust in me to help her with such a personal task. I am looking forward to supporting her as she thoughtfully sorts through her husband's things and finding meaningful ways to donate, keep or display certain items. If there is a need in my area, I hope to offer this important service to others in my community.

You can reach Annie at:

Annie The Organizer


Also on: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIN


Simple Steps Consulting, Serving Clients One Project at a Time


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